clean, lean and easy to use

12things is a project of Hannes Schippmann and Matthias Pfefferle. Our goal is to create software that doesn't make you think!!

Human Markup

Actually, there is no easy way for non-techies to mark up text for the internet. HTML and mark-down are way too geeky and WYSIWYG-editors are mainly producing bad code. With Human Markup we want to define some rules to mark up normal text only by interpreting punctuation marks, paragraphs and apostrophes. If you want to help us, please visit our wiki on Github.

Hannes Schippmann

Hannes Schippmann

Hi. I am Hannes Schippmann. I build stuff. For the web. Using Ruby on Rails. Find out more.


Matthias Pfefferle

Hannes Schippmann

Hi. I am Matthias Pfefferle. I love prototyping with WordPress and I have a strong passion for the open web. Find out more.